Dealing With Hot Flashes

Jul 24, 2018 by

Dealing With Hot Flashes

A part of menopause

Before entering menopause, women must be aware of what to expect. The majority of characteristics of this period of a woman’s life are unpleasant and hard to deal with, causing even problems in personal relationships. Women not affected by hot flashes are definitely the lucky ones. However, since these abnormal temperature fluctuations are actually a part of menopause in great majority of women all over the word, scientists have been investigating and seeking the most powerful hot flashes relief.

We cannot say for sure that one particular remedy or drug can eliminate hot flushes. Yes, hormone replacement therapy is prescribed by many medical experts, especially if symptoms of menopause become unbearable. On the other hand, when hormonal therapy is contraindicated or women choose not to take it, they can experiment with various natural remedies and eventually identify the one which brings complete and the most efficient hot flashes relief.

Fortunately, there are several highly efficient remedies for hot flashes and if one does not work a woman may try others. Sometimes, even a combination of these natural products may reduce or completely bring hot flashes under control. The essence of the battle against menopause lies is in nutritional therapy. The diet a woman should stick to must be enriched with all the important nutrients, vitamins and minerals and is additionally strengthened by certain herbal supplements.


Natural methods of control

Let us start with vitamins; a woman entering menopause and one already dealing with various menopausal symptoms should pay attention to correct daily intake of vitamin E, vitamin C and B complex vitamins. Apart from being a great warrior against hot flashes, vitamin E additionally prevents certain heart conditions. Direct prevention of hot flushes is also achieved with vitamin C while a vitamin B complex reduces stress, a potential trigger of hot flushes. Sometimes all the daily requirements are taken care of with MVP, multivitamin plus mineral products.

As for minerals, selenium is known to provide support to vitamin E. Therefore, it is frequently used in such combinations. What is more, calcium, magnesium and zinc seem to be great when hot flushes arise.

Herbal remedies and products containing various plants are equally used. For example, recommended herbs that many women opt for are:

  • dong quai root
  • Chinese licorice root
  • rehmannia root
  • flax seed oil
  • chaste tree berry.

While the previously mentioned herbs bring female hormones into balance and eliminate hot flashes; white peony, codonopsis root, ginger root and lovage root act a bit differently, still being of additional help in battle against hot flashes.

In the end, a woman must get familiar with isoflavones. Some of these compounds are similar to female estrogen. This is why they are often referred to as phytoestrogens. Intake of soy and soy products provides sufficient amount of isoflavones. These are available in a form of supplements too.

So, do not hesitate and start to experiment. Try natural remedies and check the reaction of the body and how hot flushes or other menopause symptoms respond when these are applied. Do not despair if the first choice does not prove to be the magical one and be ready to eventually identify hot flashes relief that suits your needs most.

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